Sunday 29 March 2020

The Adams A12

Job number 4 has been completed, yeah.
The Adams A12 is finished, built from an old Nu-cast kit, it has a scratch built chassis, i didn't fancy the lump of white metal supplied in the kit.
look at all that lining, oh the lining, i have been at it for 3 days but all done.
Just waiting for a smoke box door dart to arrive.
At 440 grams she is heavy, easily pulls the 8 wagons on Exton Quay. 

Chuffed to bits.
Wonder whats going on the list next.
Well, at least i have caught up on all the jobs to be finnished. My workbench is bare.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Catching up

Hi all.
I thought it was time to catch up on a few things.
The Gate set and the Adams G6 took over from all the other projects that i had on the go.
Anyone that knows me knows that i hate lots of jobs on the go at one time.
First job, put couplings on this lovely Lswr round top 5 plank wagon and a bit of a clean up. It was weathered so much that you couldn't actually see the LSWR lettering. Job number 1 done.
This cattle van was built some years ago from a kit. Know idea from what kit but again needed "Sprat & Winkle" couplings and a clean up. Job number 2 done.
  This is the tender from the Adams A12. Another kit started some time ago, all ready for linning out. Its now been lined, lettered and numbered 644, shedded at Exmouth 1927 to 1936 so fits in perfectly with my fleet.
A coat of Satin varnish and some real coal added.
 Job number 3 done.
Of course, where the loco i hear you cry, well, its being lined out.
with a few other details to add.
Job 4 nearly done.
That will bring us up to date.
Wonder what the next project is going to be...... start of a new layout!

Sunday 22 March 2020

Sprat & Winkle line coponents cattle van

Its taken a while to build this one, not the best of kits to put together.
No 2783 Lswr cattle van with through vacume pipes, these were removed by the SR in 1931. This particular cattle van lasted until 1943. She was built in 1893, 50 years in service, not bad for a cattle van.
Ready for action.
I have another one of these to build, i now know how these go together, perhaps the next one will be easier.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Sprat & Winkle line components Lswr cattle van

Crazy times at the moment, hope you are all well and keeping safe.
It gives us modellers some time to catch up on a few things.
The Cattle van, its been painted.
when she is dry the transfers will go on, a bit of weathering, some straw inside, fit the couplings and another peice of rolling stock to add to the collection.

LSWR Gate Set

I recently had a trip to Wimborne Railway exhibition. I got talking to Andrew of W M Collectables.
A few weeks before, at the Bournemouth exhibition i had bought three loco kits from him, anyway, getting back to Wimborne. I couldnt resist another search through his items for sale.
Oh dear, there it was, the third item on my "must have" list. The first was Drummonds bug, the secound was the H13 ralmotor (i have, but still to be built)
It all wasnt quite as easy as it sounds. Me being me decided that for some reason or another at the time, not to buy them. I really like to build things myself, these were already built, would i be happy with them?
This bugged me during the week. Doing a bit of research, they are extremely rare and decided to ring Andrew, ( yes, aware that Kernow do them but the thought of hacking rtr about didn't appeal) could he put them to one side for me, i will pick them up at Alley Pally. As we know it was cancelled, so another Phone call to Andrew and he duly sent them through the post.

They are not bad. Im guessing they were built some considerable time ago.
What do you think?
Well, i am happy with them. In time a few things maybe updated on them.
I have changed the couplings to Sprat & Winkles, well there brass so it was easy.
Eek, thats close coupled.
Compensated boggies no less.
The other end.

Friday 20 March 2020

Sprat & Winkle line Components. An LSWR cattle van

Carrying on with the LSWR cattle van. Been a bit of a pain to build this one, slots being way to big for the tags, the fold line has been done with inividual tags, ending up with a massive gap. The etch sides are slightly longer than the white metal detail castings for the sides. Me, not being one to let these problems beat me, i think we have ended with a superbly detailed cattle van, something that i am very pleased with.
Yes, i have soldered the casting to the etch sides, firstly tinning around the etch with 140° solder then tinning the casting with 70° solder. Very carefully sweating the Two together.
I will say that this was one of those times when things could have gone horribly wrong. Deffinately a "seat of your pants" moment.
The next thing to look at was the roof as this was not included in the kit. I could have rolled one from brass sheet but decided to use Plastikard. 0.25mm plastikard , yes, thats thin,Two pieces the same size were cut, each with planking scored on one side, it tends to bend naturally but can be manipulated further. 
What you need are Two elastic bands, Two steel rules and a conveniently curved tin. A tin of your best plum tomatoes came in handy
Glue the Two pieces together and attach to tin, leave to dry. 
You should end up with something like this. Yes, it looks like a roof so, must be a roof.
Thats it for now, the whole thing is ready for paint.
The bar at the front is for the Sprat & Winkle couplings.
It even has tie down hooks as these wagons were not always used for livestock, a sheet was sometimes thrown over and tied down and used as a well ventalated van.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Sprat & Winkle line Components Lswr

I picked this up some time ago, looking for something to clean in my new Ultrasonic cleaner, i found this kit.
Time to build something then.
There's not a lot of information as to witch type of cattle van this might be but looking through the "bible" i believe its Dia 1506. This may change as the build progresses.

Ultrasonic Cleaner an update

I have to say that this Ultrasonic cleaner is pretty good.
it measures 10 inches wide 6.5 inches deep and 9 inches high, tank size is 9.25 wide, 4 inches in depth and 5 inches in wide.
It surprisingly quiet as well.
definately cleaner

Friday 13 March 2020

Ultrsonic Cleaner

Ultrasonic Cleaners. I have been thinking about one of these for a while. Not knowing anything about them, i did a bit of research and decided upon this one. The decision was made purely on reviews from other people and good old Youtube videos.
Its all to do with heaters and types of transponders, waves etc.
Its just arrived so will have a play over the weekend and let you know what the verdict is.