Hi all. hope you all like the new look blog. Just thought i would have a play.
The Hornby BR Ferry Van.
I liked it and thought it might add a bit of variety to run on Parkstone on the odd occasion. I can't remember ever seeing them about back in the day
I know nothing about these but gather the idea was for them to be used for exporting loads to the continent. It's a long vehicle for just having 4 wheels. The lettering is crisp and clear, well detailed and even has opening doors.
But and it's a big but, what bothers me is, it would appear that Hornby aren't quite sure what "track" they are on.
When you look at the recently released Peckett it is superb, quiet, sweet running, well detailed, I can't fault it, so why have Hornby gone back 20 years and basically produce a seemingly well detailed body and plonked it on an old chassis.
Hornby R6773 Continental Ferry van VIX |
I shall explain
There are 2 major things that stick out and boy do they stick out
Hornby have fitted the van with the old style "Triang" type coupling with no NEM socket, just a soddin great rivet through the hook
I was looking through the latest Hornby catalogue and it seems that a lot of the wagons and coaches to be released have these couplings. I can perhaps understand this on the "Railroad" range but it seems this is going backwards.
Hornby Couplings |
The next item on the agenda is brakes.
There not inline with the wheels.
Am i being picky or have we all just gotten used to far higher standards. 20 years ago this wouldn't have even been an issue but for a wagon that costs £20 REALLY!!
Hornby Brakes |
It's a shame because on the whole it looks the part. Bit of weathering here and there and it could look really good. As i said earlier the printing is pretty good as you can see in the photo below.
Hornby R6773 VIX |
LOOK, openning doors, whoopee
Hornby Ferry van |
I'm not usually one to rant but is this going to become the norm. What happened to the NEM standards.
Anyone got anything to add to this?