About Me

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When i left school back then i was lucky enough to enroll on an engineering apprenticeship. I think this lead me in good stead. I was always one of those children that pulled things apart but actually put them back together again. My first engine given to me at the age of Seven, a Triang Princess Elizabeth. The rest as they say is History. Later in life i got back in to Model Railways and started building Pine Road. This could lead anywhere so i hope you enjoy my Blog.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Went fishing today

Caught some sprats and winkles

Yes, you probably know what i am talking about.
I'm just not that happy with the Bachmann couplings with a staple attached to the dropper, it sort of works but every so often a train will let go when you don't want it to.

Think of the money that could be made if one could come up with 100% reliable coupling that doesn't look to obtrusive.

So, back to reality
Sprat and winkles, been around since i first wrote this blog on a stone tablet. I have never used them before, I have operated layouts that use them and yes they are about the best thing out there.
So, i can hear you asking, Why haven't you used them before? Oh, go on then i will tell you. The thought of converting all these lovely wagons, engine, coaches etc just really didn't appeal.
In learning what is the best way to fit these things.

Here is the very first wagon with spratttts fitted 

I haven't blackened them it was a bit of a test run

the winkles look so much better than those gurt big tension lock things.

There we have it. Only approx another fifty or so to go, if i don't get around to writing another post anytime soon you will know why.
I have either gone insane, rang the men in white coats, given up on life or Jack Daniels has become my best friend.
Why the hell are they called "Sprat & Winkle"????? 

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