Thinking, its way overdue for another post....
...more wagons for Exton Quay.
I have been busy building!
As you know in a previous post, i had been making some special wagons for Exton Quay relating to the fertilizer plant. All three have been produced, one has gone to my Stepson leaving Two for the layout.
Odams' fertilizer plant |
The next one is an ex LSWR 12ton Machine Truck built 1902-1906 Dia: 1674 A David Geen kit that has been in the cupboard waiting to be built for a while, No 61014 In the instructions David Geen states as being designated a 'WELL D' but looking in the bible it states as being a 'WELL E' Six were passed to the Southern Railway, one survived till 1947. A white metal kit with an etch Nickel silver floor. Wheels are from Markitts/Romford 10.5mm 8 spoke.
Ex Lswr machine truck |
Another David Geen kit, yes, i collected a few of these, you have to buy these things when you see them.
Ex LSWR 10Ton single bolster wagon Dia:1594. An all whitemetal kit, Two for one isn't bad.
Ex Lswr bolster wagon |
No 57362 built 1877 through to 1911. they were everywhere. I have made the central beam to swivel with the intention of finding a 'Load' for them....
....and No 57321. Wheels are from Alan Gibson Lswr split spoke, these wheels are stunning, gota give it to ya Alan.