A bit of a repaint and fitted with Alan Gibsons split spoke wheels, it has been somewhat back dated.
Model Railways, 4mm scale, ex LSWR and the Southern Railway in the 1930s. BR blue in the 1970s. Kit building to scratchbuilt, RTR to DCC..... I AM A MODELIST
About Me

- cparkstone
- When i left school back then i was lucky enough to enroll on an engineering apprenticeship. I think this lead me in good stead. I was always one of those children that pulled things apart but actually put them back together again. My first engine given to me at the age of Seven, a Triang Princess Elizabeth. The rest as they say is History. Later in life i got back in to Model Railways and started building Pine Road. This could lead anywhere so i hope you enjoy my Blog.
Saturday, 29 February 2020
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Cambrian kits Dia 1410 SR van
Something else finnished. The Cambrian kits SR, ex LSWR ventilated van to Dia 1410.
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6 kit part 11 The Final.
This is the last post on the making of this engine. Part 11, if you ever see a kit for sale buy it, its a lovely kit to put together. Just under a month it has taken, not that there was any rush, but would be nice to have it at Alexandria Palace at the end of March.
Its surprising how many last minute jobs there are to do. Youv'e painted it, then fit couplings, crew, coal, buffers, wieght, roof and of course body to chassis.
Today, she pulled her first train into Exton Quay.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6 part 10
The ongoing ritual of the G6.
Its been painted, yeah.
I first did the inside of the cab area, masked it all off and then airbrushed the black. No Olive green on this one so relatively easy. Just the green lining to go. A crew, couplings, coal and a few other bits and she's complete.
LSWR dia1410 10t van
I have built a Cambrian models kit of an LSWR 10ton van of SR dia 1410. Why, you may ask, well, just for the hell of it really.
Nice and easy to build.
There were over a thousand of these built in various disguises, so thinking one should really appear in Exton Quay. A couple lasted into BR days. Nothing is easy, some were built on wooden frames some from steel. This is a steel version so will be goods Brown with black sole bar and undergear. With those lovely split spoke wheels. Some were built for the S&D but wthout the end vents. 8 became SR dia 1412.
Built between 1899 and 1912 they did well to last as long.
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6 part 9
We have been busy, what with a repaint of the Hornby Brake van, we have etch primed the Adams G6.
Hornby R6913A SR ex LSWR 24t brake van
A repaint and renumber of the Hornby brake van.
i used the Railmatch goods brown mixed with a small amount of turps and brush painted to look a bit more like it should. Its debaitable from various sources as to the actuall brown used but am going with HMRS colours.
I have also painted the wheels (need to get different ones as im sure they were not fitted with 3 hole discs) and the running boards. A small amount of weathering, jobs a gooden.
Its a lovely model, well detailed and stands up well to the real thing.
Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6 part 8
How long does it take to build a kit ? 8 parts so far or nearly as many Star Wars films, or since the 25th January.
This is the 9th loco kit i have built and still learning. No one ever said it was easy.
She is all ready for painting.
As you may be aware, brass can sometimes cause problems of getting paint to stick to it. My usual regime of cleaning a loco is a good scrub in 'Fairy Liquid', lots of other modellers will say this is bad as it contains Lanolin, its not listed in the ingredients on the label. It is then rinsed well, i mean lots of water, do this in a bowl so you can catch any bits that may fall off. Then a scrub with 'Flash All Purpose Cleaner' ( not the one with 'Pledge' in it) this should neutralise any flux that you have used. After another good rinse, a quick wipe over with an old paint brush dipped in isopol alcohol, yes, guess what, another good rinse and leave to dry.
Sounds all a bit of a faff but it works for me.
Part 9 of this sorrid tale my go live on Friday when it gets a primer coat.
Monday, 17 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6. part 7
Think we are there. We are lacking some of the cab detail, regulater, handbrake lever, pipework and some of the gauges.
Steps have been fitted, i had add a piece of wire to the rear of these to give them a bit extra strength, they are a bit vulnerable. Also fitted the rear sandboxes to underside of the footplate, i pinched these from a South Easterncast kit for an 02. I expect some of the detail parts will be pinched from this kit aswell.
Sunday, 16 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6 part 6
Well, thats looking like an Adams G6. We could be painting it next weekend.
If you are going to the Festival of railway modelling at Alexandria Palace on the 21/22nd March 2020 it could be making its debut on Exton Quay at the show.
As i have said before, this kit has gone together really well. It measures out very well compared to the drawing.
Im only human and have forggotten to solder the sanding gear to the chassis, oops.
Couplings and a few other bits to do.
Saturday, 15 February 2020
Hornby R6913A SR brake van
So i bought one. A nice photo of it in "An iliustrated history of Southern Wagons" page 63, taken on the North Cirnwall line in 1936. Obviously where Hornby have got there information from. They shouldnt have matched the colour from the photo, far to light. When they were uprated to 24t the spoke wheels were removed and replaced with solid ones, looks like the wheels are wrong aswell. Its a cracking, well detailed model.
Thursday, 13 February 2020
Bournemouth Railway exhibition
Had a trip to Bournemouth Railway Exhibition which is held at the Hamworthy Sports club, Canford Magna in Wimborne. If anyone from outside the area actually found it. I congratulate you.
Some good layouts.
I picked up these.
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6 Part 5
It's starting to look like a G6.
I have changed the wheels from Alan Gibson to Markitts, oh the wobble, I couldn't live with it and it didn't run that well. I changed the wheels and it runs perfectly.
Splashers and the handrail knobs have been fitted.
Tuesday, 4 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6 Part 4
Done a bit more to the G6 today. Had 4 new tyres fitted on the car ouch, so not had a lot of time.
259 has the Nine Elms extra handrails and shunters plank so have fitted the handrails, will leave the plank hangers till the end when I solder the steps in place. I have also fitted the tops of the tanks inside the cab and the 2 seat tops, bit of a pain getting the soldering iron in there. Bit each day and she's coming along nicely.
Monday, 3 February 2020
Alan Gibson Adams G6. part 3
The Adams G6 chassis is now complete.
A bit has been completed on the body. The cab interior is nearly complete, I will fit the backhead after painting.
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